I'm back!
Sorry for the delay in between posts... I wasn't really keeping up with posting during my travels through Chile and Argentina. But I'm back home now, trying to sort out some work and just generally get back to normal life (it's gonna be real hard).The trip itself was great, despite all of the stuff that went wrong, and all of the near misses (like nearly missing a bus when I crossed the border into Chile, because I forgot to change the time on my watch, only to realize this when the bus was supposed to leave, then stressing because my luggage was in storage, which was closed... fun times).
But the worst would have been when my passport, money, camera and other stuff was stolen in the bus terminal in Mendoza, Argentina (another long story).
However, I had a great time, made heaps of new friends and got to see another large part of the continent. But I'm dieing to see more, so I started planning the next trip while in Chile (but I probably started thinking about it in Arequipa) so we'll see when I can get back over that way.
I'm not sure what I'll be doing on this blog in the near future, maybe I'll put up some funny/crazy stories from my travels, or maybe change it to cover what I'm up to back home.
Thanks to all of you regular readers for keeping in touch with what I've been doing, It was cool to keep in touch in that way.
If you have any tips etc. on how I could've made this blog better, post up a comment.
take care, and God bless,
hey look what i stumbled across :) looks like you've had fun! i know what ya mean bout settling back in and i was only gone 3 months lol hope it all goes well cheers
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