
Well, sorry for the delay in this latest installment.
Times have been pretty good here lately- Lots has happened, but alot of same old, same old things.
The weather has been pretty choice lately, but the last few days winter has struck us with the end of it's icy tale (it hasn't been that bad).Yesterday was payday (about time) I still need to get some more classes, but i'm doing alright. Some people always cancel there classes which is a pain, Iç rather have them cancel same day, or not show up at all (So I get paid, aren't I a greedy boy)
Touch Rugby is going well, especially this last week-I've just bought some shoes with grip, which has improved my preformance immersurably. We're also getting shirts for our team soon- Orange and Blue for some reason- But they're gonna look pretty flash. I'm not sure if we are getting name on the back, but if we are i'm undecided on what i'll put there. I've got some stupid ideas ranging from Guapo (means gorgeous ha ha, something in spanish is a whole lot cooler, heaps better for when I get home) maybe Turbio (shady, dodgy etc.) or piedras locos (crazy legs- I don't think i'll use that one). Now all I need is to buy some short shorts to complete the outfit (you've gotta look the part, and the smaller the shorts the harder you are to touch! I just pity the opposition having to look at my lily white upper legs.)
Anyway our team is looking pretty good, it's also been cool to hang out with some of the crew, especially Daniel- a funny guy with an amazing turn of speed. Sadly CJ left this Tuesday, so before he left we went out a few times with some of his friends- Good times- I'll miss hanging around with him.
Sunday was good times again. I visited the Aravena family for lunch and Cena. They are a 'familia bacàn' as well. They even encougared me to have a siesta (definitly needed) in the afternoon for a while. I'll be putting up photos soon. Also on the Church front: we are moving to a building instead of meeting in a house- So our first meeting there is Sunday week- exciting times- We don't really all fit in the pastor's place. So I'll make sure I take some pics of the new venue.I'll be putting up some photos pretty soon- Look after yourselves.




At 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about
desee ser,
el buen mirar,

At 3:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nah - I reakon you should go for guapo or however you spell it. I can cope with having a gorgeous brother - as long as people start saying our family all looks alike!


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