
Fun times... Chilean Nana, watching the rugby, a full on fiesta...

Hola amigos,

OK, what has happened lately...
well I can´t think of what order things happened, so i´ll write up aobut a few different experiences:

Yetserday (sunday) I stayed with the ramos family afterwards for lunch, then we went to Sussanahs parents place for her mothers birthday. Abuelita (grandma) made me think of Nana almost instantly; similar size, similar personalitys etc (i´ll put up some photos soon) The extended family came around as well- heaps of fun

On Saturday I played futbol with the guys from the church, and believe it or not didn´t play to badly(I actually scored twice- I can really only kick the ball straight, nothing more) It was raining and a bit chilly (funny aye) and afterwards back at the apartment watched te last 20 minutes of the rugby (yay we won!)

Friday night I went to beckas youth group (with the anglican church in provedincia) which was cool. I think that alot of them are from expat families a few generations back. I wa even put in an only english speaking group (a first, becka told me)
afterwards I went with becka to have sushi with some of her friends. Amazingly by pure chance on my part i chose somwthing that tasted pretty good. Then we went to sebastiens birthday party (a fairly subdued affair because they were going away the next day, leaving early) Jessenia was there also and she said she was going to her friends party so I thought i´d tag along (I supposed it was going to be a short stop... hahahahahaha, i learned better.

We caught a micro(the local buses) which was an experiance in itself- the drivers always drive at crazy speeds and seem to think they´re driving rally cars or something. So we made it eventually. Ao we finally got to this club, the party was on a messineen (spelling?) floor packed with heaps of people with music blaring, smoke everywhere (they don´t have the same rules as NZ). So to make a long story short we stayed till 6am (I thought we were making more of a short ´hi and bye´stop) I didn´t know the way home, I had abit of a cold. So I just made the most of the situation, talked to some cool people, got some dancing tips from a master and soaked up the experiance (and the smoke all my clothes reaked when I got home- which reminds me I better wash them today)

well thats some of the stuff thats been happening with me lately, I´m planning on putting some photos up tommorow or something.

Look after yourselves,



At 5:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds fun
dont forget to put those photos up!

At 5:56 PM, Blogger John Sinclair said...

you could email the photo's as well? that would be good. you could check out my blog (I have finally posted again. it won't tell you much unless you read into it...)


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